Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ZOMG! Somebody lied on the Internet!

He's not really Phil Spector, people:

The highly entertaining Twitter account purporting to be from Phil Spector has been revealed by its unidentified owner to be one of those naughty internet hoaxes.

The anonymous - and really rather amusing - author revealed the jape with a tweet at 1pm GMT, confessing "I am NOT Phil SPector. I made this account as a joke. Befriending a cockroach? c'mon folks... even Phil's not that crazy."

No, you can't tweet from the Big House. Even in California.

Which leads inevitably to the obligatory song reference:
But you can't chop your
Papa up in Massachusetts
And then get dressed
And go out for a walk
No, you can't chop your
Papa up in Massachusetts
Massachusetts is a far cry
From New York

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