Saturday, June 6, 2009


0730 6 June 1944, Normandie France.

That's when the first ramps dropped from the first Higgins Boats, and the first men started to die. It was 1:30 AM on the US east coast, and while most people were asleep, typesetters were hard at work on the morning's newpaper.

As Allied soldiers struggled to survive and win the battle, and as the typesetters laid out the headlines, nobody knew how the day would end. Victory or defeat, triumph or disaster.

I've scheduled this post for 0130 US Eastern Time, the same time that the battle was joined in earnest. When you read this, think of those men, and of their families at home reading their morning paper with mixed dread and hope.


ASM826 said...

We used the same picture.

Brad_in_MA said...

I did think of the men - the moment I awoke this morning. Before I had coffee, made breakfast for My Progeny, etc., I went outside, faced East and recited Kaddish, to bring strength and comfort for the families of the dead.

- Brad