Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From the place where Great Britain used to be

The result of policies that punish the innocent but fail to deter crime has been stark, even before the latest urban violence. The last decade has seen a doubling of gun crime. According to the latest annual report of the Home Office (2009), there was a 25% increase in crimes involving contact, such as assault and battery, over the previous year.
But don't hold your breath waiting for the Intellectual Class to re-examine their first premises for validity.  They're all busy at the 127th Intellectual Class Twit of the Year competition ...


kx59 said...

to all those in the "formerly" great Britain, I suggest packing an ice pick on your person.
-learned this from a female housekeeper years ago.
Won't do shite for you if your assailant has a (gasp) illegal GUN!, but then, you bent over...

Ruzhyo said...

I was wondering when this sketch was going to crop up in relation to current events. It's been overdue.