Friday, February 3, 2012

Hit the SOPA bastards where it hurts

Good news from Texas: there's a primary challenger to the loathsome Rep. Lamar Smith (R-MPAA), sponsor of the equally loathsome SOPA bill.  While only the good folks of his district can actually vote, the rest of us in Intarwebz land can still do something: Donate to his challenger, Richard Mack.

Battleswarm has done the footwork, and there's a lot to like about Mack:
He’s for restraining spending, controlling the border, and against ObamaCare. Not only does he support the Second Amendment, he was a leading opponent of the Brady Bill, was the very first Sheriff (and very possibly the first person) to file suit to get it overturned, and was the second named plaintiff in Printz Vs. U.S., which overturned key provisions. In addition to SOPA, he also opposes the indefinite incarceration of citizens provision of the NDAA.
Nice.  Of course, I'd donate even if he ate BBQ puppy for lunch every day.  It's a categorical imperative to get bough-and-paid-for jerks like Smith* out of office - it's both required and justified in and of itself.

You can drop him a few bucks here.  And bloggers, please pass this on.  Show him the power of this Fully Operational Internet.

* Don't Mess With the Internet, Lamar.  We bite.

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