Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Optimist or pessimist?

A wag once said that an Optimist believes that we live in the best of times.  A Pessimist fears this is true.  So is Simon Grey and optimist or a pessimist?

It’s pretty simple:  politics is Jersey Shore for the middle class.  It’s all a mudslinging mess, complete with petty drama, asinine interviews, contrived situations, and lots of attempt at moral posturing by greasy slimebags.  The Republican debates are like the Real Housewives of New York:  lots of hissy fits and name-calling coupled with hilarious self-seriousness.  There’s so much manufactured drama in politics that it’s hard to see any meaningful differences between it and so-called reality TV.

Politics, like reality TV, serves as a way for all of us to get off on how smart and moral we all are.  We’d never go through three wives like Newt Gingrich.  We’d never talk crazy like good ol’ Ron Paul (seriously, who cares about The Fed?).  We’d never be a weirdo homeschooling Catholic freak like Rick “Santorum” Santorum.  We’d never be a sniveling beta Mormon like Mitt Romney.  And all our policies would work perfectly from day one.
Well, actually my policies would work perfectly from Day One because my policies would be "Every Department's budget is reduced by 20%.  Headcount is reduced by 20%.  TSA is reduced by 100%."  But his point is a good one.

Got to set up a TiVO Season Pass for "The Real Politicians of the GOP" ...


Dave H said...

That part about getting off on how smart and moral we are really nailed it.

Maybe that's why I don't like many politicians - they come across as if they think they're smarter than I am, even though they know it's not true.

Old NFO said...

I'm at the point that I'm ignoring it all... sigh

kx59 said...

wait. 3 wives, crazy talk...I missed my calling. I should have gone into politics.
I think Simon Grey is neither optimist, or pessimist. He is apathetic to the point of glib surrender.
Yes it is Jersey Shore to some extent.
The difference being that the Kabuki Theater of politics has a very real and serious impact on every one of our lives.
I nominate BP for Prez!

Borepatch said...

kx59, if nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve.


NotClauswitz said...

This also goes along with the old adage, "Politics is show business for ugly people." And ugly is more than Jersy-shore orange-tan skin-deep?

Aaron C. de Bruyn said...

Well, actually my policies would work perfectly from Day One because my policies would be "Every Department's budget is reduced by 20%. Headcount is reduced by 20%. TSA is reduced by 100%." But his point is a good one.

This reminds of the old joke about the woman who is propositioned by a man.

"Will you sleep with me for $10,000?" the man asks.

She pauses for a moment and replies "Ok".

He immediately counters "How about for $100".

The woman gets upset and says "What kind of woman do you take me for?"

"We already know what kind of woman you are, now we're just negotiating on the price".

You know you want to drastically limit government. Now we're just bantering about how much. (Give it up already and vote for Ron Paul) ;)

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

"kx59, if nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve."

Which is proof positive that you're the most qualified candidate there is.