Friday, November 4, 2011

Overheard with the Borepatch Clan

The scene: dinner at The Counter (awesome burger join on Mansell Rd in Roswell, GA; recommended).  The TV at the counter (with the volume mercifully turned down to zero) is playing Fox News, where the talking heads are talking about how Herman Cain is still beating Mitt Romney in the Rassmussen poll.
#1 Son: If Cain gets the nomination, it will at least get rid of the race argument in the election.

Me: Yeah.  Mitt's pretty white.

#1 Son:
He's a Mormon from Utah.  You don't get whiter than that.

#2 Son: Unless you're a vampire.

#1 Son: Is Romney as gay as Twilight?

Me: Romney is more gay than Twilight.  Not in a clinical sense* but in an actual, you know, gayer than Twilight sense.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.

* Rather, in a gayer-than-Twilight sense.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.


TJIC said...

I was already chuckling over "Is Romney as gay as Twilight?" and then I burst out laughing at the answer: "gayer".


The Czar of Muscovy said...

WAIT--do you have evidence that Romney battles werewolves? Omigod.

Rick C said...

Battling werewolves would decrease Romney's gayness.

Borepatch said...

I think I'm going to photoshop sparkles onto a picture of Mitt. If I really get busy, I might do sparkling Mitt riding Dukakis' tank.

Anonymous said...

"...gayer than Twilight sense.
Not that there's anything wrong with that."

In this case? Yes. Yes there something disastrously wrong with that.

Where's Nigel Tufnel when you need him?

"It's like, how much more gay could this be? and the answer is none. None more gay."

Quizikle said...

As you already know, it appears Mrs Borepatch is a woman with fine discriminating taste (re: loves-the-Mountain-West" - and in becoming "Mrs" Borepatch, I assume)