Why, oh why do we have to go all the way to Oz to get local news?
Paula lets us know of the travails of Christopher Potter, student at the University of Massachusetts. She tells us that, to protest
Global Warming Climate Change and reduce his carbon footprint, he's been sleeping in a tent. In between episodes of fighting off the local Campus Cops, he finds his
real problem:
Christopher has limits to his high-mindedness, however, and has allowed himself leeway when it comes to charging his i-pod:Though he doesn’t live inside, he says he charges his electronics with “dirty fossil fuels,” because “right now there’s no escaping them, and it makes us all contribute to climate change, unfortunately.”
Yes son, they "made" you do it. Damn those evil Mac bastards.
When asked what he wants to do for a career, Potter says he wants to continue pushing for clean electricity.
Good for you, son. We'll keep a spot under a highway overpass warm for you.
Damn those evil Mac bastards. Quote of the day, right there.
Not only a hippy but an exceptionally ill-informed one. He can't figure out how to charge his iPod with solar energy? Or a hand-cranked generator?
"Or a hand-cranked generator?"
Nah, that's too much like real work.
Just got back from an Energy Transmission Seminar. The speakers there were nearly giddy with the thought that CA requires 35% of it's electricity to be "green" by 2015, but absolutely no way to implement it in state. Up here in MT there is plenty of wind, and they have nearly met the 15% by 2015 requirement, and so they are looking to sell some green electrons...
Wolfwalker, that was my thought pretty much exactly. Solar chargers are pretty easy to get ahold of. I suppose that would take actual thought, though.
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