The British refuse to renew the suspect's student visa.
The suspect's dad said he's dangerous.
He bought his ticket with cash, and didn't have any luggage.
Sorry, I really don't see a picture emerging from all the data points. Do you? Oh, wait - maybe this:

but, but, but...
It's BUSH'S FAULT that the CIA didn't pass along information!
Sure glad I don't fly anymore for business.
The taxes in Florida are fairly cheap. $1,050 for a condo appraised by the tax man as being worth $148,000.00. No State tax, and a 7% sales tax.
But the best part: No guns restrictions....I can buy what I want. I feel your pain. I moved from Michigan 28 years ago because of their new restrictions.
See Ya
He bought his ticket with cash, and didn't have any luggage.
Connect the dots, hell -- this item alone should have raised a flag. Who buys trans-oceanic tickets with cash, f'chrissakes?
LOL. Bulls eye.
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