Saturday, December 5, 2009


This has been quite a week:

Thanks to a visitor from Mesa, AZ, I've rolled over 100,000 visits here at Borepatch. I'm not sure just what I expected when I started this, 18 months ago, but I frankly never thought it would be this.

I also got my first blogger swag, a review copy of Dave Kopel's new book, Aiming For Liberty. Note to the FCC: kiss my pixels.

My ClimateGate Clippy snark seems to have gone viral, with more folks linking it that I can keep track of. What's very, very nice is that people have been picking up some of my serious climate posts, too.

Oh, and did I mention Kevin Baker linked me?!!!!1!! And Kevin, you're right: I am a bit too wordy.

What with a visit to Mom and Dad, this is turning out to be a good week. Yessir.

To everyone who comes here, thank you. It's all actually pretty humbling.


Home on the Range said...

It's well deserved. Congratultions.

Alan said...

Wait. KEVIN called you wordy?


Borepatch said...

Brigid, thanks.

Alan, yes indeed. Kinda makes me speechless. Kinda.


doubletrouble said...

That's cuz yur won smaht feller there BeePee...