visited 28 states (12.4%)
Create your own visited map of The World or website vertaling duits?
I actually think this is wrong - it says 28 countries and I'm pretty sure it should be 31 or 32. But Old NFO still kicks my tail end, but I've been away from home plenty thank you very much, and so don't really feel the need to try to win that one.
My list is pretty pathetic. USA, Canada, Mexico, UK, Ireland.
I thought Dad did pretty well in the Navy with several ports around the Mediterranean, Okinawa, and Australia, but nothing compared to your list. Or OldNFO's.
Trust me, you DON'T! You actually HAVE a life... sigh
Japan in the Army and that's it. Not even Canada for Ghu's sake.
My view is if I can't drive there I'm not going. I hate, HATE flying.
you beat me ... i only got 8.8% ...
49 countries ( 21.7 % ) .... and we've pretty much run out of places that we still want to go to ( or are safe to go to ) Looks like we got our Egypt trip, 3 years ago, in just under the wire.
Now ... How many States in the US have you been to ( at least 2 days - not counting drive thru's) . More than O's 57????
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