Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A belated (blog) Father's Day ...

Dan emails to say that not only has he started up a blog, but that I'm his Blogfather!  "Cool" doesn't begin to capture this situation.

I must say, though, that his first post is a good 'un, certainly way better than my first post.  He lays out the manifesto for his blog, Eff The Elite D-Bags:
On my way home from work today I noticed that the car in front of me was a pizza delivery vehicle -- and it was covered with Mensa stickers. It quite amused me -- looks like high intelligence doesn't necessarily correlate to career success. That explains our current president, methinks.
Heh.  The only advice I'd offer to my Blogson (!) is about your blog title.  Some folks won't get the subtlety, so don't hide your feelings.  Tell us what you really think ...

Welcome, Dan!

All I wonder now is what's the over/under on how long before JayG's pickup starts to sport a "Let me show you pictures of my Blog Grandchildren" bumper sticker ...

1 comment:

TJIC said...

> I noticed that the car in front of me was a pizza delivery vehicle -- and it was covered with Mensa stickers.

