Sunday, June 10, 2012



drjim said...

The firearms instructor that teaches the classes I attend hammered this into us numerous times.
And he's 100% correct.

Old NFO said...

Yep, 'stem' memory, and what ever muscle memory you have left at that point...

MaddMedic said...

I tried remembering my training as an EMS Provider and medic of 20 years tonight while playing 1b and watching my son, playing 3b, take a wicked hop off the side of his head and crumpling to the ground..
P A R E N T took over..But I did do an okay assessment, he spoke, he responds, he knows where and what happened and there is no masses of spurting blood!!
Training....whats that?

On a Wing and a Whim said...

So true, so true...

agirlandhergun said...

I have heard that before, but the visual of the poster is cool.