Thursday, June 14, 2012

"The Euro Titanic has hit the ice berg, and sadly there simply aren't enough life boats."

To the subjects of Her Majesty's Scepter'd Isle, I'd gladly trade you one Willard Mitt Romney for your Nigel Farage M.E.P.  Straight up.  I expect that Mittens will be more to the liking of the majority of your fellow subjects, and we could use someone over here who will actually call it like it is.


Carteach said...

Notice how the folks in the background are laughing? Much like I suspect many officers on the Titanic laughed when asked if the ship was sinking.

Old NFO said...

Stupidity, it's catching... sigh...

Tacitus said...

When I was digging in England last month one of the chaps in the trench with me was a former EU Paliament member. Nice guy, didnt do much work. Liked to talk. Claimed the whole Greek thing was not his fault.

Aaron said...

I love EU politics. Sometimes they take the gloves off and call other members idiots.

The only person I seem to hear over here that isn't afraid to call people out is Paul.

Broken Andy said...

We need more Nigels over here.

wolfwalker said...

Aaron: is that EU politics, or British politics? Parliament has a long-standing tradition of this sort of behavior from MPs. I don't know anything about how EU lawmakers behave, but blunt language doesn't strike me as something that would be allowed in an EU legislatural chamber. One way or another, anybody who did something like that would be eliminated.