Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My little pwnie awards

The "Oscars" for the security industry are presented at the Black Hat Briefings each year.  Last week saw the awarding of the Pwnie Awards for Epic security and Epic security fail.

This year there was a tie for the much coveted "Epic 0wnage" Pwnie.  The award is shared between the NSA and Edward Snowden:
0wnage, measured in owws, can be delivered in mass quantities to a single organization or distributed across the wider Internet population. The Epic 0wnage award goes to the hackers responsible for delivering the most damaging, widely publicized, or hilarious 0wnage. This award can also be awarded to the researcher responsible for disclosing the vulnerability or exploit that resulted in delivering the most owws across the Internet.
  • Joint award to Edward Snowden and the NSA
    Edward Snowden's leak of NSA secrets was an epic example of the insider threat to information security, while his revalations convinced many that the entire Internet is thoroughly and epicly owned!
Recursive pwnage is recursive.

Other Pwnie awards include Most Epic Fail, Most Innovative Research, and lots for bugs.

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