Thursday, August 1, 2013

I got quoted by the Associated Press

More or less accurately, although I didn't say I thought they were doing it, but that they had the capability.

UPDATE: The accuracy issue needs clarification, because  it wasn't a misquote, it was edited for brevity (what - me needing to be edited for brevity?!).  I was discussing capabilities - that the NSA certainly would have the capability to run speech-to-text transcription in real time.  There's absolutely nothing secret here - if you see Closed Captioning, that's what's happening.  Dragon speech-to-text lets you talk to your computer and tell it to do things.  The tech has been around for years.  The NSA may even have better tech in this area.

And so, while I don't know that NSA is automatically using machine transcription to convert everyone's phone calls to text, and then have automated search routines cruising through the text looking for key words, they certainly could do this if they wanted to.

Does that mean that I "suspect" that they're doing this?  Well, I just un-edited the news report for you.  ;-)


Irish said...

I now have an even more famous blogbrother!

Borepatch said...

"Famous on the Internet"


Jay G said...

Your blogfather has never been quoted by the AP!

Then again, they can't really print "HOLY CRAP WAY TO SLAM ON YOUR BRAKES, @$$BUCKET!"

Goober said...

Fraternizing with the enemy, Ted? ;)

Goober said...

Fraternizing with the enemy, Ted? ;)

AnarchAngel said...

Ayup... it's entirely about documenting connection networks, network data flows, node priorities, and stimulus response through metadata/traffic analysis.

Which I wrote about almost 10 years ago, since they've been doing it since... forever basically...

The Czar of Muscovy said...


You should have promoted some Borepatch hates and tee shirts!

Wouldn't that have gone over well?

Actually, you were quoted twice in the article, as I suspect you were the guy who yelled Bullshit.