Thursday, August 8, 2013

Man, I want one of these so bad I can taste it

Fully automatic Gauss Gun:
While it may only be able to shoot a few cans right now, we certainly wouldn’t want to be in front of [Jason]‘s fully automatic Gauss gun capable of firing 15 steel bolts from its magazine in less than two seconds.

The bolts are fired from the gun with a linear motor. [Jason] is using eight coils along the length of his barrel, each one controlled by an IGBT. These are powered by two 22 Volt 3600mAh LiPo battery packs.
Sure it's only a prototype.  Sure, the muzzle velocity is only 120 ft/sec.  Nothing says "Living in the Future" like a Gauss rifle.  The electronics had to be designed to keep the electrical system from exploding from the voltage.  That's a manly gat, right there.


Dave H said...

It certainly looks, well, industrial, like something Sigourney Weaver would use to kill a xenonorph.

I'm impressed with the muzzle velocity he's getting with off-the-shelf hardware. Most magnetic accelerator designs I've seen were about as powerful as a ball bearing shot form a pea shooter. Making it full auto was a nice touch.

I don't think magnetic guns that can compare with current small arms are going to be practical until they can come up with cheap superconductors and better batteries. (As much as people like to make fun of "green" electric cars, their development is leading to much better battery technology.)

That Guy said...

That is pretty darn cool.

Carteach said...

There's a cat that will never go back in the bag....

RabidAlien said...

@DaveH: Yeah, I'm not going to be replacing my 9mm anytime soon with one of these puppies (the bolts didn't go all the way through a laptop screen, and he was fine using a sheetrocked (assumption) wall as a backstop), but the awesome thing is that THESE EXIST. The first firearms weren't very impressive, either. But, as Carteach said, the cat is out of the bag. Smart guys in labcoats with large budgets and research facilities will take the tech and improve upon it. Like printable guns, they're here to stay, and will only get better as time goes by. Woohoo!!! Gauss rifles!!! Now...who's working on my flying car?

Borepatch said...

Dave, two inventions that would revolutionize the world are room temperature semiconductors and high electrical density batteries.

Still need a flying car, tho ...

Carteach, you bet.

Anonymous said...

Legislation to ban electrical coils and batteries submitted by the anti gun group after they put clean undies on..

Old NFO said...

There are a couple of larger ones... Just sayin... :-)

drjim said...

Yep, large enough to toss a jet off a carrier and into the sky.