Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quote of the Day - Vive la differance edition

A bit ago, I posted about some Internet chatter from some smart people about mating habits.  Labrat takes a look at the discussion, and focuses some high energy coherence on the topic:
Or, to put it in blunter terms: if your economic model shows a good that is given away for free thirty percent of the time but is still routinely paid for at a much higher price, either the market is in serious trouble and is about to collapse completely out of existence any day now, or your model is completely fucked for describing and predicting what you’re actually looking at.
Me?  I still don't have a clue.  After all, I've been married 23 years, so I'm the last guy you'd want to ask about what the young ladies are looking for.  But all the discussions make me think, which is a Good Thing.  Labrat - as is her habit - makes me think a lot, which is a Very Good Thing Indeed.

You want to bump your IQ a notch or two, you should be reading the Nerds.

1 comment:

North said...

ONLY 23??

(Me and my lovely bride are at 24.)