Sunday, October 2, 2011

How science reporting actually works

I'd laugh, but I'm crying ...


Duke said...

That's too funny, but true I'm afraid

Dave H said...

Yeah, SMBC nails it every time. It's been running since 2002 and it just keeps getting better. Here's the original in case anybody wants to see more. (Highly recommended if you like geek humor, or know a mathematician you want to annoy.)

wolfwalker said...

Actually, that's how almost all reporting works, unless you have a reporter who takes the time to really learn the subject.

A conundrum to ponder: Most people have at least one subject they know better than the average joe. Most people who read/watch/listen to the regular news has noticed that every mainstream news story about their area of expertise gets significant points grossly wrong. Yet most people trust the mainstream news to get it right on other subjects.


Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Another short little comic series on the subject starting here.

Bottom line: Reporters suck.