Sunday, November 3, 2013

Motorcycles are to help you relax

To help you get rid of some of the stress in your life.  Stress like the bolt that holds the gear shift to the motorcycle snapping.

But hey, it was downhill almost all of the way home.  Any now I've had my workout, pushing the thing all the way back.  Winning!


Dave H said...

Motorcycles are to help you relax

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're funny. Motorcycles are to distract you from other crap in your life, by giving you a whole new set of crap to deal with.

My favorite was when bees would build a nest in my carb's bowl vent tube. When that tube is blocked, the float valves don't close and the carb floods into the engine, the oil pan, and the air intake box under the seat.

I used to have a bad habit of not turning off the fuel valve when I parked. Not any more.

B said...

Always carry a few wire ties with you, and pair of pliers and some (fairly) heavy wire..

Now you know why.

Chickenmom said...

Back in the '70's we had an old hog.
We pushed that bike all over NJ, NY & Pa. Hubby said 'Harley" was a good name for it because we 'Harley" ever rode it...