Saturday, September 14, 2019

So Bob O'Rourke says he's going to confiscate all the AR-15s

Oooooooh kaaaaaaay.  Solid plan.


Murphy's Law said...


LindaG said...

Right. Haha.

Aesop said...

IMHO, Bobby O's latest demagoguery makes him a 50:50 future contender for the Bobby Kennedy Primary Exit Award. If he steps into 2021 with a pulse, because Texas, I'll be sincerely surprised. Wingnuts gonna wingnut.

The Secret Service must be downing Maalox by the gallon every time he walks outside, or drives to campaign stops in anything besides an MRAP.

But it was damned decent of him to openly and succinctly confirm what everyone else has known about the DemoCommunist Party in America since the 1960s.

Beans said...

Everyone's focused on what Bobby O' said, and meanwhile Kneepads Harris said she'd just make an Executive Order on Day 1 banning private gun ownership.

And the sensible voice? Slow Joe the Gaffe Machine Biden, who said one can't do that with an EO.

Bobby O' is just the yappy dog trying to get attention. It's the other fools that scare me, who agreed or didn't verbally disagree with BO'.

Richard said...

The only difference between him and the rest is that he isn't lying about his intentions. There is no such thing as a moderate Democrat.

Ted said...

The bigger problem is that there are such things as moderate Democrats. It's just that most of them call themselves Republicans. but when push becomes shove they votes like Democrats.