Sunday, November 27, 2016

Franz Krommer - Quintet in G Major op. 101

Image via Der Wik
Mozart, Haydn, Kromer - these were the leading composers in Vienna in the late 18th Century through the first third of the 19th.  It may be that Beethoven was never Court Composer because that post was already filled by Franz Krommer, born František Kramář.  Virtually unknown today, he was famous in his day (famous enough to come to the attention of the Emperor).  Wildly prolific, he wrote 9 symphonies and hundreds of other works, especially those for woodwinds (like today's piece).

Likely his popularity did not outlive the Imperial Court, which was famously conservative in its tastes.  To our ears - schooled by the romantic intensity of Beethoven and the Romantics - his music is a throwback to a classical form that reminds us of Mozart.  However, our music libraries are filled with Mozart, and so there's precious little room left for Krommer.

Still, weep not for Franz Krommer.  He was, after all, Court Composer for the Emperor of Austria for 18 years.  Happy birthday, Franz - born on this day in 1759.


cecilhenry said...

Nice. I love the classical grandmasters. But I never heard of Klommer.

Good to know.

Its reminds me of the story of how Bach and Handel never met, despite Bach's attempts to meet the famous Handel who was a star in London.

Bach tried to see him when he returned to Germany briefly, but regretted missing out meeting the great composer. Bach himself had little idea of his future place in the canon.

libertyman said...

Another new guy -- great music and amazing flute playing.

I will go forth to Amazon to see what i can find.

Thanks for doing this!