Thursday, September 1, 2011

Things that make you go "Hmmmm"

Slashing regulation could double productivity?  And it has this piece of delicious knife-in-the-wound twisting:
The increase in regulations is difficult to quantify, but consider that just last week the proposed TransCanada pipeline, known as Keystone XL, has had dozens of public meetings, hundreds of thousands of comments, and extensive consultations with the EPA, DOT, USDA, DOI, DOE as well as several other federal and state agencies. A recent abortion kerfuffle occurred when Virginia's Department of Health proposed regulations for abortion clinics that consistent with the construction of new hospitals and all the sudden liberals realized how insanely onerous these regulations are. The bottom line is that regulations are very costly, and they are growing, as Obama is pushing for more EPA regulations based on fanciful savings to health care costs.
Via Aretae who calls it the Post of the Day, so you know it's packed with smart.


North said...

I have to buy a laptop. The laptop is $1000.

But it has a rebate for $500.

I don't have $500, but I'll apply the $500 that I save to the cost of the laptop.

Now I have a laptop. And I think a $500 rebate coming.


Rev. Paul said...

"Mathagovamatics" ... snerk!

North, FTW!!

Paladin said...

The Regulation-fest isn't just expensive, it can kill folks too. The EPA is pushing ahead with tighter restrictions here in Texas that are going to cause several coal plants in East Texas to be shut down when the new rules go into effect this January. That will almost assuredly kick off targeted power outages throughout the state during the coldest time of the year.

I don't even want to think about next summer with the A/C shutting down for stretches of time. The Heat in Texas causes more deaths every year than any other weather related factor.