Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mussolini could beat Obama next year

So just how bad are Obama's chances next year?  So bad, that the media that shamelessly covered for him in 2008 are running bits like this now:

That's John Stewart, brutally and repeatedly mocking the Administration in general, and Obama and Biden in particular.  Repeatedly.  Stick a fork in it.

Mussolini will absolutely bury these losers.  I predict he'll take 44 states.

Via Michael Graham.


Dirk said...

I hope you're happy now. I just spewed my drink all over my keyboard and monitor.


ProudHillbilly said...

The one in particular makes me laugh because I know someone who has two gods (other than themselves) - Obama and John Stewart. Their head may be spinning now.

Secesh said...

I think with a little effort Mussolini could take all 58 states. This would really annoy Obama, after all he toured them all in 2008.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear sweet Jesus, you said brutal. I never imagined anything as bad as that. Jon Stewart ripping Odummy like that??? What's next? Chris Matthews, Bill Maher and Michael Moore?!? Oh, the humanity!

SiGraybeard said...

When I was twenty-ish (so long, long ago), one of my Italian speaking relatives had me stone-cold convinced that the family didn't call Mussolini "Il Duce" (the Leader) but "Il Duccia" (the Douche bag).

Duke said...

John Stewart is sill a joke, Make no mistake he is in the tank for Obama.

Ken said...

What I find particularly ironic is that compared to Solyndra on the scandal scale, Fast and Furious is like Iran-Contra raised to the power of Watergate and divided by the inverse of the product of Credit Mobilier and Teapot Dome.

If, as, and when all the skeletons come tumbling and rattling out of that closet, a lot of people are going to want to know how long the, ahem, "watchdog" press were out to lunch.