Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why do environmentalists hate the environment?

I mean, clear cutting old forest in Vermont?
Some well spoken and well meaning opposition to a wind power project in northeastern Vermont today in the New York Times. At issue is whether the clean electricity that would be generated from Kingdom Community Wind project in Lowell, and its planned 21 turbines totaling 63 MW, stretched across 3 miles of ridgeline, is enough of an environmental benefit to offset the environmental impact of building it.


This discussion of the appropriateness of any development in sensitive environmental areas for clean power is certainly a widespread one--Earth First! has protested wind power projects in the Maine wilderness, there's been well-publicized protest of planned solar power plants in sensitive areas of California, and don't forget the opposition to Cape Wind. It's bound to be a growing one too, and one which requires some hard situational thinking. On different projects I personally come down on different sides of the issue.

In this case, it's quite true that development of wind power projects along Vermont's iconic Green Mountain ridges will seriously change the landscape.
Gee, ya think?

Here's a thought for the folks over at Tree Hugger: T. Boone Pickens is on the side of the windmills.  Have you thought what the corporate connections might be?  Hint: corporate profit is involved.

Me, I don't actually have a problem with corporate profit.  Taxing the poor and middle class to subsidize corporate boondoggles that require raping the pristine wilderness so that the middle classes and poor can pay higher electricity bills?  Yeah, I have a problem with that.

But then, I'm a 1970s style leftie, one who thinks that our governmental policies shouldn't hurt the poor or the environment.  I guess that these days, that makes me a wingnut.


Dave H said...

The New York Power Authority just this week announced they've cancelled a proposed project to build a series of wind turbines just off the Lake Ontario or Lake Erie shore. Not because of the NIMBY outcry (of which there was plenty) but because NYPA said it would require $60-$100 million in subsidies every year to remain operational.

You know the economics of a proposal suck when New York won't even buy into it.

kx59 said...

Hah! pass the popcorn. Green on Green action!

Teke said...

From my extensive interaction with the few white liberals I know they are a conflicted personality. They are full of self loathing and hatred.

radar said...

I think JFK and RFK would have crossed over to the Republicans in today's political scene. Borepatch, the Right is closer to your sensibilities than the increasingly looney left. Embrace it! We'll keep a light on for 'ya!