Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quote of the Day: Class Warfare edition

Warren Buffet has figured it out. What you do is, you write an op-ed pleading for the government to go and take more money away from people who are on the order of ten thousand times less wealthy than yourself. Progressives, having evidently taken sides in the perennial war of the uber-rich against the merely nouveau-riche and upwardly-mobile, will applaud the idea and fawn all over you for your selflessness in asking the government to go and get more money from other, poorer people.
Ouch.  All I can say is that this is just one more demonstration that Progressives are cheap and easy.  Tell them they're pretty and that their policy prescriptions are so hot, and you're getting lucky.


ProudHillbilly said...

Warren Buffet should establish residency in Arizona. They have a place on their income tax form that allows you to give your return back to the government. He can just go right ahead.

Oh, wait. He could probably do that now by not using any tax shelters, couldn't he?

Old NFO said...

LOL- Good one BP!

Terry said...

I don't think it's very often mentioned but hiking taxes is one way to make sure the little guys can't compete with the big guys.