Sunday, September 18, 2011

I seem to be channeling my inner Brigid

I have a chicken carcass simmering down to broth, and bread rising in the oven.  I'm writing up a range report for my new (to me) Lee Enfield (check back tomorrow).

The problem, of course, is that her soup is better, her bread is better, and she's a better shot.  Sigh.

Still, how bad can it be, with fresh bread and shooting an old battle rifle?  Some days are made for Old School, and that's not a bad thing at all.


Rev. Paul said...

None of those things sound bad to me, either. I'd love to shoot the old rifle, too.

Old NFO said...

Nope, matter of fact, 'practice' of those skills is a GOOD thing!

Home on the Range said...

And you had to call and tell me what you were putting in the chicken dish, by the time you got to rice wine, ginger and hotsauce I drooled on my keyboard.


RobertSlaughter said...

Sounds like a good evening. Which model and caliber did you end up with?

And I'd love to participate in another ATL blogmeet once you're back over here and can breathe a little.

45er said...

Sounds great on all parts. I like to buy whole chickens and do my own disassembly. I keep a large ziploc in the freezer and add backs and wing tips until I need to make stock (I do the same with shrimp shells). Works great. Enjoy.