Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mouse Cat 1, Lizard 0

Crash the wondercat saw a lizard in the basement of Camp Borepatch today.  His AAR: Eventually the lizard stops moving, but if I toss him, I can still chase him.

I like cats in general, and Crash in particular, but every now and again we get a glimpse into the Cat Soul.  A hunter lives there, no matter how domesticated you think they are.  A hunter who got very unhappy when I went to dispose of the carcass trophy.

But overall the situation is entirely satisfactory, as I'm keen on house cats, not house lizards.

UPDATE 24 April 2011 19:09: D'oh!  Hat Trick leaves a comment gently suggesting that I meand "Cat", not "Mouse" in the title.  I did indeed.  Too much digging in the rose garden under the hot Georgia sun.


Hat Trick said...

Good for Crash, those lizards seem faster than a mouse and I think they would be harder to catch.

The title makes me think I've missed something. Did a mouse get away from him?

wolfwalker said...

I like cats in general, and Crash in particular, but every now and again we get a glimpse into the Cat Soul. A hunter lives there, no matter how domesticated you think they are.

"...and when the moon gets up and night comes, he is the Cat that walks by himself, and all places are alike to him."

(Kipling, of course, "The Cat Who Walked By Himself")

Mike said...

I'm thinking of Stranger in a Strange Land, in which he found the cat's carnivorous thoughts most pleasing and quite Martian.

Mike said...

Doh! Lissa not Mike!!

Mayberry said...

Funny you should mention that. Just the other day I watched one of the neighborhood kitties go after a lizard atop the hurricane fence. The lizard lept on to a palm frond as the cat jumped up on the fence. The cat attempted to follow suit, but apparently claws are no match for galvanized steel, nor are palm fronds able to bear a cat's weight. The cat hit the ground, but walked away as if noting happened, and the lizard lives another day. Lizard 1, cat 0...

doubletrouble said...

I read it @ Marko's place, but his may not be the original attribution.

“Kitteh thinks of nothing but murder, all day.”

That’s my CC’s life, & I’m guessing Crash’s, as well.
