Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Federal Aviation Narcolepsy Administration

Heh.  And double heh:

Via Theo Spark.

And who would have suspected that Exploding Head Syndrome is a real medical condition?


SiGraybeard said...

And I thought Exploding Head Syndrome was what you got from watching the administration... sonofagun....

kx59 said...

So I heard that the union was pushing to have two air traffic controllers so as to keep each other awake. A much cheaper solution would be to hire a guy to sit next to him for minimum wage with a cattle prod.

Bubblehead Les. said...

TSA on the ground floor, Mr. Snooze-a-lot in the Tower, and 4 hour delays on the Tarmac? And people ask why I prefer to drive?

Lissa said...

And that was *before* they inconvenienced the first lady.