Saturday, October 9, 2010

SplaterGate: the backlash

I have a little (platonic) (non-gay) (not that there's anything wrong with that) man-crush on this guy.  This is so filled with awesome that it's in danger of collapsing into a Black Hole of awesome.

He is violating Rule 1 and Rule 4, though.

Back story here.

And Foamy The Squirrel is really funny, although the language is NSFW.  Losing the battle for the Hearts and Minds of the young folk, it seems.

Via EU Referendum.


bruce said...

I love the bit about the coffee cup, there is likely more but my ears/brain can't get it. A- for effort
C- for weak hearability

TJP said...

This is me throwing my hands up in the air. The greenies are destroying decades of work. I don't understand.

The task of propagandizing requires considerable skill. I was formerly under the impression that since these people live and breathe to worship government, it follows that they would possess a sophisticated understanding of politics. Boy was I wrong.

In politics only two choices are allowed: for or against. The easiest way to bring people over to my side is to show that I am like them, and therefore it is normal and acceptable that we share beliefs. I show that I believe what they believe, then I relate some new issue to something they understand, and gradually reshape it closer to my original ideal, while isolating and attacking individual examples of people who don't believe.

A social engineer can take people to the extremes, but it takes a lot of time--sometimes generations--before attitudes have changed enough so that the old normal seems to be "extremist" in comparison.

The 'Pressure' propaganda makes the mistake of assuming that a small group of misanthropes is representative of the majority of people. I would be hard pressed to find even a pedophile who can find the humor in shredding children into fleshy chunks with explosions. Yet the greenies still insist that it's appropriate, publicly associating their political movement with something so offensive that most people will reject it, and consequently the movement as a whole.

Apparently someone told these people to go f*** themselves, and they're doing it figuratively, right out in the open for everyone to see.

I don't know--should I laugh now?

Anonymous said...

What leads you to believe he broke the rules?

The only thing I saw that caused me any concern at all was that he seemed not very cognizant of where the muzzle was before and when operating the charging handle...but, it was kind of hard to tell because of the upward angle of the video, it may not have been as it appeared...and that would be a rule 2 violation, not 4.

If you're talking about the fact that the camera was downrange when he was firing. It's obvious the camera was on a tripod. It seems to me that if he's willing to take a chance on damaging his camera, that's his decision, not a rule violation. He obviously knew that it was downrange when he fired and that was a chance he was willing to take.

Borepatch said...

TJP, initially a lot of people dismissed this as a parody made by Skeptics. It just seemed too neat a presentation of every stereotype - brutal, fascist thought control - to be plausibly put out by the Greens.

Some of us have put together a sample of other brutal, fascist thought control by the Green community, so it appears that we over estimTed the Green's intelligence.

TJP said...

Oh, I can assure you that I've noticed. I was aware of the final solution ever since I read Asimov's Foundation series, where he used an embarrassingly tortured contrivance of an extra-terrestrial to spout his personal complaints about "swarming" humans from an overpopulated Earth. (And entertaining a revenge fantasy by giving the aliens the power to fry defenseless mankind to death from afar, with only their minds.)

But that example, and all previous ones from fringe misanthropes with small audiences had some subtlety or obscurity, lacking the impact of a video that presents the obvious message: DIE, PLEASE!

On the count of Negligent Overestimation, I am compelled to admit my guilt.

NotClauswitz said...

The Greens and the Left are driven by the Id, not the intellect - otherwise Marx's dusty and insipid drivel would have blown away long ago. Their continued, evergreen (and delusional) aspect comes from getting an Aztec-level blood-lust sated every thirty years or so.

Home on the Range said...

Foamy the Squirre?

Someone HAD to be smoking something with that one.

Anonymous said...

Foamy the Squirrel is an acquired taste but the guy responsible does actually try to make valid observations on society and the BS he perceives around him.
It can be quite gross but he does have a method to his madness.
Listen to Foamy.