Monday, October 18, 2010

Cartoon of the day

The back story is that this isn't an exageration:

The president of the National Organization for Women may have said it's wrong for anyone to call a woman a "whore," but the head of the California NOW affiliate says Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman is one.

California NOW President Parry Bellasalma told the TPM blog on Thursday that the description of the Republican candidate for governor of California is accurate.

"Meg Whitman could be described as 'a political whore.' Yes, that's an accurate statement," Bellasalma said after a TPM blogger called to ask her about a story that appeared on the Daily Caller website.
Not, of course, that this is a surprise.  The "feminist" movement removed all doubt as to whether their primary goal is supporting women, or whether it's electing Democrats, back in 1998.  I expect that this is why most young women these days do not self-identify as feminists.

And oh by the way, the lack of attention this is getting in the Dinosaur Media is all the proof you need for their bias.  Every time you see a Republican "Family Values" pol caught cheating on his wife, you see them roll out the "it's not the act, it's the hypocrisy" justification for their saturation campaign.  So what are we hearing from them now?


Via Theo Spark.


Paladin said...

Yep.. NOW isn't interested in supporting women, any more than the NAACP is interested in supporting people of color. Their level of "support" is contingent upon what variety of Woman, or Black Person, or whathaveyou, you happen to be talking about.

Those on the wrong side are automatically whores, or Toms, respectively.

NotClauswitz said...

In all fairness Jerry Brown is at least twice the whore Meg Whitman is, and he maybe half the whore Barbara Boxer is, which combined still leaves them at 1/3rd the whore Nancy Pelosi is - but since he's a man does he get an endorsement?

Roger said...

In my younger days, after the military and during college, I was closely affiliated with many friends, members of NOW, many of them charter members and early leaders. I had and have a deep respect for these women.
They were women of many social strata, mostly college educated. From what I knew of them, they would be appalled at what NOW is doing today. They were, to a woman, focused upon equal wages, equal respect and equal opportunity. It is my humble opinion that NOW has devolved into just another liberal group barking the same pathetic liberal mantra.
Sad, because my friends from then were such staunch supporters of what would improve any womans life in our society, not what would improve progressive political agendas.


WoFat said...

NOW should change its name to THEN.

TOTWTYTR said...

It's as Paladin says. The organization only supports liberal woman and politicians. Conservative women are fair game, as are any Republicans.

I lost what little respect I had for them when they backed Bill Clinton.

This is the same organization that wants Paul Levy fired from Deaconess Hospital for having a relationship with an adult employee, but found nothing wrong with Bill Clinton having sex with a college intern.
