Saturday, October 9, 2010

Secure Perimeter

Looking at houses in the Atlanta area last night, we found one with a picture that was entirely unexpected: a house with an actual secure perimeter.  Not a Gated Community (ugh), but a bona fide fenced perimeter.

Wonder if I should add these?

But still, a guy can dream, can't he?


WoFat said...

I think claymores would certainly cut down on the religious knock-knocks.

Joe said...

You have to keep those kids off your lawn somehow.

Sarah said...

Mom's still slightly annoyed that I didn't bring her even one claymore when I got out of the Army. She's all about the truly secure perimeter, y'know. :)

ASM826 said...

Foo Gas

Foo gas was developed for perimeter defense during Vietnam, and was used extensively by US Special Forces during that war. The name comes from the sound it makes when detonated. Foo Gas is a 55 gallon drum of gasoline or napalm set into the side of a berm with a claymore underneath it. When detonated, it sprayed a wall of burning gasoline and steel across the field of fire.

It is being used in the current unpleasantness, here's a link.

The upside is great, it will deter even the most determined attacker and the it has the secondary effect of increasing your carbon footprint.

The downside is that you will have to replant the lawn if you use it.