Sunday, October 31, 2010


Offered without comment, from today's PostSecret:


genedunn said...

Any idea who they are?

Anonymous said...

Top right is Tom Emmer and I have been working on his campaign. He is a constitutionalist and for limited Government and has the liberals in Minnesota in an uproar over his common sense attitude and often states we have to live with in our means, meaning government.
SO I suppoase any dickhead whom hopes he loses is a union or government employee as Emmer's opponent in Mark Dayton a former senator once rated by Time magazine as one 5 worst Senators during his term in office. And is certifiably crazy. Dayton has announced more then once he will tax the rich and Dayton's family is one of the richest in Minnesota and he has never had to work.
So if Emmer is arrogant, then I guess I am to.