Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Average" does not mean "evenly distributed"

One of the things that sort of stood out when I went back through my archives for the Borepatch 101 thing was that my blog production varies to a huge degree.  May was a really good month - a bunch of entries in the "Best Posts" category.  Reading these was a pleasure: insightful analysis (well, as much as I do, at least), good writing (ditto), passionate and on point.

Other months?  Not so much.  At all.

I know that we can't all be Faulkner all the time, but is it too much to ask for me to be me all the time?

Of course, you could compare this to golf, or shooting, where "best day" rapidly becomes "this should be your typical day".

1 comment:

bluesun said...

Don't be so hard on yourself--we'll show up in any case.