Tuesday, October 29, 2019

But, but, but - he was an Islamic Scholar

Err, one that burns captives alive.  But don't ask the Washington Post, because they want this news to die in the Darkness ...

Good Dog.  Do you have a bone to chew?


LSP said...

Was going to post that but you beat me to it.

Borepatch said...

LSP, you gotta get up early to scoop Borepatch, amirite?


SiGraybeard said...

There was a story hardly reported, maybe just spread on Twitter, about Kayla Mueller, the beautiful young Arizona woman who was captured by Isis. She was a human rights activist who went to Syria to help and captured outside a Doctors Without Borders hospital. The story is Bag-daddy pulled out all of her fingernails and raped her repeatedly as his personal slave. She was killed back in '15.

They named the operation to get that MoFo after Kayla.

Her parents, understandably, were noting the difference in leadership between Obama and Trump, saying perhaps Kayla would be alive if Trump had been in charge four years ago. I can understand their reaction.

Aesop said...

And now he's a good Islamic Scholar.