Thursday, July 25, 2013

Digital carjacking

The Covertress is doing your security blogging.  She has video, which is pretty horrifying.  Another reason to drive a non-computerized ride like a GTO (or a motorcycle!).

I've been complaining about the shoddy security in car computer systems for ages.  Nice to see others covering the issue.


Spike said...

Just wait till its a small micro-controler that clips on your OBD-II port.
Sure, it will be found, but it doesn't matter after the driver is dead.

George said...

It's hard...on the one hand, you are right, the security sucks. On the other hand, if you can't open it you don't own it.

The geek in me sees the potential of pirating the CAN bus...

Irish said...

Hey BP, what do you think about the Hasting's crash? Anything there as far as the possibility of the car being hacked?

Weetabix said...

Now I feel insecure in my 85 Suburban... well... not really.

Borepatch said...

PISSED, I don't know about the Hastings crash. If I had to guess, I'd say possible but unlikely. But that's a total guess.

Unknown said...

This is why I love my '82 Benz, it is diesel and has 350,000 miles, but better yet, it requires no electricity to run. How ya liking those Vegas thunderstorms today??? I hitailed it out of Vegas last night and had no fear in the old Benz as we passed Area 51.