Thursday, July 25, 2013

86 year old bathing beauties

On this day in 1946, the Bikini atomic test was done.  The explosion was spectacular.  Soon, a scandalous two piece woman's bathing suit was introduced.  It was named after the bomb, and the world has never been the same.

I'd like to point out that the 18 year old bikini models from that long lost day are now 86 years old.  Time waits for no man (or woman), but we were all young once.  At the risk of posting cheesecake, here's an example:

Scandalous by the terms of the day (which was why this photo was - like the bikini - an earth shattering explosion), it seems tame by the standards of today.  Sadly, those standards have lost the class and therefore (it must be said) the sexiness of those long ago days.

Damn.  I'm turning into Paladin or something.  Hey, I have a motorcycle and everything now ...


MSgt B said...

Oh wow. Thanks for the link to Paladin's place.

When do we get sexy pics of Patch on his motorcycle?

Robert Fowler said...

When I Dream Of Jeannie first came out, they had to modify her costume. Couldn't have that belly button showing. I think it was the same year they went color, her BB made it's appearance.

Of course there was always Rachel Welch in her fur bikini. Damn, I must be getting old.

Sabra said...

Were that photo taken today, she'd be wearing half as much and have her tiny belly airbrushed out. Every generation thinks it has invented sex. I don't think any is so wrong as mine.

Paladin said...

Next thing you know, you'll lose your shaving kit :)