Friday, September 2, 2011

Quote of the Day - Untrustworthy Statist Pricks edition

Coyote brings it:
 Ezra Klein via Kevin Drum asks, fairly reasonably, why with very low US borrowing rates does it not make sense to take infrastructure projects we know we have to do in the next 5-7 years and pull them forward.  If we know we have to rebuild bridge X in 2016, lets do it now when there is so much construction capacity sitting around.

In an idealized Platonic technocratic world that many Lefists still insist on believing we actually live in, trustworthy and knowledgeable agents of the state would work up such a list and we could fund it, happy we have made a good financial decision.  But we don’t live in that world, as I wrote in the comments
The reason this does not fly has to do with politician’s incentives and trust.  In short, Democrats had their chance to do exactly this.  Two years ago, nearly a trillion dollars of such stimulus was approved and sold to the American people as just this sort of infrastructure spending.

But it was no such thing
RTWT, and remember.  And tell any leftie idiots who blather about this.

You got no stinkin' trust.  Get over it.

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