DISSENT IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PATRIOTI… No, wait, that bumper sticker expired January 20th. Under the stimulus bill, there's a new $1.3 trillion bills-for-bumpers program whereby, if you peel off old slogans now recognized as environmentally harmful ("QUESTION AUTHORITY"), you can trade them in for a new "CELEBRATE CONFORMITY" sticker, complete with a holographic image of President Obama that never takes his eyes off you.In homage to that, offered for your consideration:

I'd start a new tag for "Hate Speech" for this blog, but if 95% of it counts, then what's the point?
I could make an SVG like that if you haven't already? It'd be good practice with Inkscape.
w/v: hation. The little subatomic particle that really doesn't like any of the others or what they're up to.
I'd buy one if it actually came with the eyes that follow you - I may buy one anyway :)
No bumper stickers on cafepress anymore :(
Just thinking of whenever the next Republican President is elected, and stealing a bit from Lord of the rings when an Orc complains about the food and he is beheaded by an Orc NCO:
"Dissent's back on the menu, boys!"
Or perhaps,
"Dissent is patriotic again!"
"Vote Republican and put Americans back to work, starting with the "journalists".
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