Friday, August 30, 2019

How do you say "This vehicle protected by Smith & Wesson" auf Deutsche?

A post from ten years ago:

From Adventures in Deutschland:
We saw this on our way out of town Saturday. On a Texas highway, I would not have even looked twice. On a German side road, my jaw dropped. So many things about this vehicle screamed mis-placement to us but none more-so than the bumper sticker, "This vehicle protected by Smith & Wesson". Nice.
There's a picture, too. As Lissa would say, "That's a Big Ol' truck!"


Tacitus said...

Dieses Fahrzeug ist von Smith und Wesson geschützt.

Unknown said...

"Dieses Fahrzeug ist von Smith und Wesson geschützt."

I would pay money to have that on a bumper sticker. Maybe with the S&W logo, although that might cause copyright problems.

I'd try to make my own, but my attempts at that in the past have been less than successful.

On the gripping hand, I think there's a place locally that will do custom bumper stickers. I might get a couple hundred printed up if the price is right and take them to next years S&WCA Symposium.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Cafe Press will make one for you.

Old NFO said...

LOL, some good ol boy took his truck with him...

Unknown said...

I haven’t been impressed with the quality or prices on things I’ve bought from CafePress (or Zazzle) in the past. It’s been a while, though: maybe they’ve improved?