Wednesday, December 27, 2017

New digs for Battleswarm blog

Well, more secure ones, anyway:
I finally got off my lazy butt and got an SSL certificate for this blog. 
So the official address is now h (note the new all important “s” after “http”).
Lawrence (unlike your lazy host*) runs his own Wordpress blog, and so did the leg work to add this bit of security - when you go there you'll see the padlock icon showing you that you're actually reading him, and not some imposter.  Yes, that's exactly why there's SSL.  Yes, this kind of thing happens.

Update your bookmarks appropriately.

* I use the hosted Blogger service which went to SSL/HTTPS 3 or 4 years ago.  Like I said, I'm lazy.

1 comment:

Lawrence Person said...

Well, the "leg work" in this case was asking the BlueHost staff to turn on the free WordPress SSL cert...