Thursday, October 3, 2013

What 2 Million rounds of ammo looks like

It's about how much will fit into a shipping container.  This stuff will likely be soon on its way to these shores from the factory in an unnamed former Commie country.  The factory is pretty interesting, designed to survive a hot war with the West.

I had quite an interesting evening with a buddy who's at the edge of this business.  The decision by the Obama Administration to prohibit the military from selling once-shot brass to the ammo manufacturers is playing a big role in ammo shortages; admittedly not the whole problem, but big enough to throw quite a lot off the rails.  Yet another carefully thought out imposition on those seen as lesser than the Ruling Elite.


drjim said...

I always wondered when "they" would figure out that ammo was just as important as the gun itself.

Well, now they've done it, quietly and behind-the-scenes, while their front-men still clamor and wail and gnash their teeth over "gun control".

TOTWTYTR said...

I thought that the government backed down from the once fired brass thing. Or was that another case of them saying one thing and then when the furor died down, going back to their original plan?

drjim said...

The original Imperial Decree was rescinded, allowing the military to sell the brass, but then the policy was reinstated, and now it's going to the scrapper again.

Can't have the serfs reloading their own, now can we?