Monday, May 24, 2010

The Executive VP of Zombies

... has sent you a memo. Set to music.

And since we're in our Annual Planning Cycle, have you updated your Zombie Plan?

Planning and communication through proper channels. It's not just a good idea, people, it's corproate culture.

Via #2 Son.


bluesun said...

So... What's your plan? Or are you going to be like Simmons and not share?

Anonymous said...

Oh great, now I'm going have the chorus stuck in my head all day. Now pardon I while I go eat some brains. I mean mow the lawn, yeah thats it.


Borepatch said...

bluesun, it's classified. I'm in Massachusetts, so I'm surrounded by liberal zombies. ;-)

Eseell said...

I've gotta say, if you have the chance to see Jonathan Coulton (the apparently uncredited writer and performer of <a href=">RE: Your Brains</a>) in concert you should do it. He's got a great stage presence and really knows how to work a crowd. Plus, all his music is awesome.

Eseell said...

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