I hate Massachusetts. Yes, I know that you pay for that "free" gas and 20 gauge. No, I'm not actually in the market for a shotgun. I'd just like not to have a bunch of do-goodnicks telling me what I must - and must not - do.
Looks like this turned into a rant, too.
And so - because it seems to be video night here at Borepatch, and because it will annoy the Massachusetts bien pensants, God Blessed Texas:
Never been to Mass.
Don't think I ever want to go.
I haven't been to Massachusetts for a long time, but I did go to Maryland last week, crossing back into Virgina felt like freedom.
The old saw goes something like "Marriage is like a castle under siege: Those on the outside want in, and those on the inside want out."
Massachusetts is only half like that. And one of these days I'll break the siege and taste sweet freedom (talking about living in MA there, not the marriage thing).
[early - need coffee]
We got a spot saved for you and Jay down here.
Scotaku, heh.
Chrisb, that means a lot.
Heh. Someday...
Not a freakin' day goes by that I don't think about the job in San Antonio I passed on, and how different life would be had I chosen it...
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