Friday, October 29, 2021

Mail bag

Reader C.H. sent the following which made my day.  I'm posting it with his kind permission:

I am writing as I believe some acknowledgement is in order. 

Some years ago you authored a blog post advertising network security as a career path for those new to the job market. At this time I was committed to another profession but I found your arguments to be compelling.

I would later remember this when I grew frustrated with the bureaucracy undermining my work in the role I had and elected to make a change. 

I am now roughly a year into a desirable SOC position in which I am respected for delivering for my team and lucrative career advancement is assured. This is of course a very enviable circumstance in our crumbling society, and I thought it fitting to acknowledge your direct hand in guiding me there in the hope you may derive some satisfaction from your good works.

Thank you dearly,


The post he is referring to is one of the ones here.  I am really happy that this worked out for you, C.H.  If anyone finds themself in a similar situation - or if they know of someone in that situation - you might want to take a look at those posts.


Aesop said...

Good on you, Borepatch!

And kudos to C.H. for mot only heeding pearls of wisdom, but even more for then having the all-to-rare gift of sending along a "Thank You" note.

Kurt said...

I did much the same for my brother 20+ years ago. He was struggling trying to sell insurance and real estate, and asked me for advice. I was a sysadmin at the time, and told him that the field was wide open. He got a job in customer support at a firewall vendor shortly thereafter and never looked back.

I've since migrated into the computer security field myself, and have been advising people to get into computing and security all of my career. It's gratifying when someone follows my advice and it works out - it's happened more than a few times.


Swede said...

I read your articles a couple of months ago, and am halfway through a really good book for the CCT/CCNA exam. My goal is to be certified by the end of the year.

So thank you very much!