Friday, March 17, 2017

So what is the "New Country" music?

It's Classic Rock, with a side of Katie Perry.

I'm not generally a fan, preferring something more well aged, but the Queen Of The World likes it.


Tim Covington said...

My wife and I call it Bro Country. And, we can't stand it. I am so glad we have a country station that refuses to play it.

Jess said...

My take on the new country music is sub-standard Lynyrd Skynyrd with a whiny voice.

Anonymous said...

My take on the new country music is sub-standard Lynyrd Skynyrd with a whiny voice.

If only. In a lot of cases that would be an improvement.

More than ever, Texas & Oklahoma are where it's at.

Borepatch said...

Pistolero, living in Texas ruined country music radio for me, because it's all this new stuff.

Educated Savage said...

As a Native Tennesseean, I can attest that half of Nashville wouldn't know country if it walked up and blessed their hearts.

Anonymous said...

Living in Texas ruined mainstream country for me, period.

But you knew that. ;-)