Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Barack Obama is a dirty commie

So says Pravda.

Heh.  Me, I think he's a fascist, but I think that the Soviet Union was fascist (not to mention America since ca. 1900 and Teddy Roosevelt).  But that's just me brushing the knots out of my wookie suit ...

But hey - may as well say that we're run by Commie Bastards, what with this being May Day and everything.  We should all go on a General Strike in solidarity with our fascist brothers and sisters of yesteryear.  Err, or our commie bastard brothers and sisters of yesteryear.    Like there was any difference.


Douglas2 said...

Many elements of fascism are visible, but we don't see the militarism or ultra-nationalism -- more the opposite with the current admin.
However, it he was trying to conceal his fascist tendencies, then handing over the Chrysler Corp to a company still under the effective control of Gianni Agnelli's grandson was symbolically a poor choice.

R.K. Brumbelow said...

нет никакой информации по правде говоря и никакой правды в информации

Borepatch said...

R.K. Brumbelow, LOL