Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quote of the Day - May Day edition

Fascists, communists.  Whatever:
The [Nazi] Reich Security Head Office issued to the commandants a full collection of reports concerning the Russian concentration camps. These described in great detail the conditions in, and organization of, the Russian camps, as supplied by former prisoners who had managed to escape. Great emphasis was placed on the fact that the Russians, by their massive employment of forced labor, had destroyed whole peoples.
- SS Obersturmbannführer Rudolf Höss,
Commander of Auschwitz
You can argue that the reason that the fighting on the Eastern Front was so vicious was because both sides recognized the other as splitters from the One True Socialist faith.  The fact that one of these sides gets a pass and the other is considered unfit for Polite Society tells you all that you need to know about today's "Intellectuals".  They did not read Pasternak, but they condemned him.

Fascists, communists.  Whatever.

Rest in peace, the 100 Million (or more) victims of Socialism.  But hey, happy May Day, everyone!  ¡Viva la revolución!

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