Saturday, January 26, 2019

How to tell the Good Guys from the Bad Guys in the coming Civil War


LindaG said...

Sad, isn't it?

Ed Bonderenka said...

I need to buy a hat.
Or have my fedora engraved with MAGA.
I want to be seen as on the right side when the shooting starts.

ProudHillbilly said...

I need a badge or hat pin of the right size to move from hat to hat as the season changes. I can wear it with my t-shirt that has the silhouette of a woman shooting and says "Assuming I was like most grandmas was your first mistake".

ASM826 said...

When I want to blend in and not be made as a conservative or a CCW, I wear my Bernie 2016 hat.

LindaG said...

Hubby bought a blue boonie hat. Embroidered USAF on one side and MAGA on the other.