Monday, April 26, 2010

Peace be upon him



ASM826 said...

I have one Glock. Now I think i should sell it.

bluesun said...


孔夫子, the Œcumenical Volgi (The Notorious ŒV) said...

Can't we all get along? We'd better, if we're all armed to the teeth.

I suspect JMB (PBUH) would have admired the Glock's design…

Weer'd Beard said...

I think Browning would have noted he invented most of the Glock's working parts.

Double-stack magazine
The Browning Link-less delayed blowback

The striker fired pistol.

.45 ACP, and .380 Auto : ]

Browning would have also noted that the grip angle was right fucked-up and straightened it until it looked a bit more like the S&W M&P.

Browning would have REALLY liked the lack of external safeties, as the ones he put on the guns were always added later in the design, also it would have worked better for a leftie like him.