Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A light rinse would do

August 31, 1967. Michigan Governor and presidential candidate George Romney* gave an interview with WKBD-TV reporter Lou Gordon. Explaining why he was changing his position to one opposing the Vietnam war, after being a strong supporter since his 1965 military-sponsored trip there, he uttered the words that doomed his candidacy:
When I came back from Viet Nam, I'd just had the greatest brainwashing that anybody can get.
Gene McCarthy was deadpan as he put the knife in: With Romney, a light rinse would do.

Insty is commenting every day or two about Obama "buyer's remorse" - today it's David Brooks and Jim Cramer. They won't be the last, so if you bring popcorn, bring a lot.

For the life of me, I can't help thinking about Romney when I hear this. I mean, what on earth were they thinking? Didn't they think what this would look like in retrospect? Did they think about what things would look like even 5 minutes in the future?

Well, no.

They've Romneyed themselves. They won't be the last.

Oh, and an anagram for "Romney's gaffe" is "Faery fen smog". My guess is that's what they were smoking. Just sayin'.

* Yes, father of Mitt Romney, who seems to have inherited his father's keen insight and political instinct. Or something.

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